August 26, 2010

Deadline Tomorrow

8th grade parents:

MISSIONS TRIP UPDATE - Friday is the day! Application(s) and $50 non-refundable deposit(s) - bring to the office tomorrow.

For those of you that may need it - here are some words of wisdom from one of last year's team members, a parent who has been on the trip, and a parent who sent their student after being new to our school for just one year:

'I was not planning on going on the trip, but God made a way for it to happen. That the students that are going on the trip will be set outside their comfort zone and see how God can work through the lives of the people. That the whole class will grow as a family and team, and they will see parts of the world they are lucky not to be in and makes you thankful for what you have in life. And one of the most important thing about going on the trip is that it prepares you for HS and that your relationship with God streghthens through the whole experience. Thank youuu!' - Julie Wagner

'As a parent who has gone twice now with my children on the FMCS Missions Trip--once to Mexico and last year to Texas, I would urge no parent to even begin to hesitate to send their child on this life-changing, incredible trip! Your children will be safe and well cared for by the missions team sponsors. They will be challenged and grow by leaps and bounds in their commitment to God. They will work hard and see how blessed they are for everything they have. And, they will have so much fun and create memories that will last a lifetime, continuing to propel them forward in life and in their walk with God. If finances are an issue in any way, I'd say to still put down the deposit and pray and ask God to supply the need for your child to go. Last year, it didn't make 'sense' financially for us to go, but God made a way, and I can't even imagine having had my son--or for that matter, myself--miss the trip. I've seen this trip make an eternal difference in the lives of our kids and every kid who went, as well as to the people we have ministered to. This missions trip is such a powerful and positive experience. No kid should ever miss it!' - Lisa Sadler

'It is worth every penny, a life changing experience. I was a little concerned with Logan being a new student at FMCS but with your constant FB updates, I really never worried about Logan at all. Just wish he could go again this year. Give my phone number to anyone who is thinking of not going' - Ellen Samuelson